New Yellow Fever Vaccine Page on Fitfortravel
03 Sep 2019
The Travel and International Health Team have been reviewing and updating the yellow fever guidance we have available for members of the public.
In additional to the yellow fever disease page on fitfortravel we have now added a yellow fever vaccine page.
This page gives the following information for travellers relating to the yellow fever vaccine:
- why the vaccine will be recommended
- contraindications
- cautions
- common side effects
- rare side effects
- vaccination in the over 60s
- medical exemption certificates
- avoiding travel to a risk area
- where to seek help if unwell following vaccination
- link to patient information leaflet
- link to NHS Inform Yellow fever pages
There is a link to the vaccine Patient Information leaflet and the Yellow Fever Pages on NHS inform on both of the fitfortravel yellow fever pages.Travellers are advised to read all of the available information when considering being vaccinated against yellow fever.