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World Rabies Day, 28th September 2020

21 Sep 2020

World Rabies Day is held on the 28th September each year, which is the anniversary of Louis Pasteur’s death.

World Rabies Day is created and co-ordinated annually by Global Alliance for Rabies Control (GARC) and aims to increase awareness of the disease and highlight the importance of vaccination in the goal of ending rabies deaths.

This year is the 14th World Rabies Day, and the theme is “End Rabies: Collaborate, Vaccinate”.

The key messages are:

  • a reminder that we have 10 years to commit to the 2030 goal of eliminating human deaths from dog mediated rabies
  • to collaborate at international, national and local levels to eliminate rabies
  • to make individuals aware of when and how to obtain pre and post exposure rabies vaccinations
  • to ensure that dogs are vaccinated
  • that rabies is 99.9% fatal and 100% preventable

World Rabies Day is a reminder that rabies may be present in the country you are planning to visit.

  • See the fitfortravel Rabies page and fitfortravel country pages for information on vaccination requirements and risk of rabies during travel.

Further information on how you can support the campaign to eradicate rabies can be found at the Global Alliance for Rabies Control website.