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Cholera in Lebanon

20 Oct 2022

World Health Organization are reporting that as of 13 October 2022, a total of 18 cases of cholera have been confirmed in Lebanon, including 2 probable deaths.  This is the first cholera outbreak in Lebanon since 1993.

Cholera is an infection spread mainly through food and water that can cause sudden watery diarrhoea.

Advice for Travellers

Cholera is rare in travellers. Mild cases may present as travellers' diarrhoea.

If you are travelling to a country where there is an outbreak of cholera, you should be aware how to:

A vaccine is available to protect against cholera. Since the risk to travellers is very low, the vaccine is only usually recommended for volunteers or humanitarian workers travelling to work in disaster relief situations.

See the fitfortravel Cholera page for further information.