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Hepatitis E Virus in Niger (Update 1)

16 Jun 2017

As of 9 June 2017, WHO reported there have been 817 suspected cases of hepatitus E virus, including 33 deaths between 2 January and 1 June 2017. Initial cases were reported from Diffa health district in South Eastern Diffa region. However, the outbreak has persisted across 5 health districts in Diffa region being Bosso, Diffa, Goudoumaria, Mainé Soroa and N’Guigmi. The majority of 817 cases have occured since April when there was a marked increase in incidence.

Advice to travellers

The highest risk of infection is present for those travelling to regions with poor sanitation and hygiene. To prevent infection travellers should be advised to:

No vaccine is available for use in the UK.